What is the cost to join the Home Builders Association?
The cost to join is $425 per membership. Included is two meals per month at the monthly meeting. There is a $10 charge per meal for each additional guest. (You will be given the option to contribute a minimum $25 to B-PAC.)
"Three-for-one" Deal - Become a member at the local level, and you'll become a member at the state and national levels as well! $110 of $425 membership dues is sent to Home Builders Association of Georgia and $182 is sent to the National Home Builders Association. Our local association uses the difference of $133 to cover meals, newsletters, mail-outs, etc.
When are the meetings?
Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of every month. Sponsors choice of Lunch or Dinner Meeting.
Lunch - 12:00
6:30 p.m. - Social
7:00 p.m. - Dinner7:30 p.m. - Meeting
*Members are sent monthly reminder notices via e-mail.Q?
How do I become a Sponsor?
Only current members may sponsor a monthly meeting. Please see HBA of Statesboro for current opportunities and guidelines. Or contact us here.