2017 HBA of Statesboro Golf TournamentWater Utility Services hosts June MeetingJL Williamson Law Group hosts May MeetingSea Island Bank hosts April Meeting

HBA of Statesboro Golf Tournament
golf carts

Special Thanks to all participants, volunteers, sponsors.

Congratulations to our winners:

1st  Ken Brick
2nd Browns Electric
3rd Tippins Polk Construction

1st Capitol Materials
2nd ACME Brick
3rd  Franklin Construction

McCay McBride

TV Raffle
Chuck Perry
TV winner

WaterUtilityManagmentWater Utility Services hosted an awesome June meeting! Thank you!

JLWilliamsonLawThank you, Jeffrey Williamson for a great May meeting

Sea Island BankSea Island Bank sponsored the home builders April meeting. Thank you very much to our monthly sponsors.